GMTK Game Jam 2020 GMTK Game Jam 2020
Team Lead
Pixel art
The GMTK Game Jam is an annual game making marathon, where individuals and teams try to make a game that fits a theme, in just 48 hours.

The Theme
Out of Control
The Pitch
A 2D narrative platformer where the player progressively loses control of the main character.
The Game
The Team
Omna Toshniwal (India), Rodrigo García (Costa Rica), Sebastián Munera (Colombia), Pedro Poblete Lasserre (Chile).

Design Process
We started with an open discussion to explore what the theme meant for each of us. We then did an individual brainstorm for game pitches, for later doing a dot-voting round and proceeded to sinergized the ideas.
The idea of "Removing control progressively of character" stuck with us, and we decided to explore it in mechanics and theme. We decided to go with the challenge of traversing the same level multiple times, but every time is more difficult because the character loses skills due to aging.
At the time none of us has ever made a game, so we decided to focus in the narrative rather than the mechanics, implementing a very simple game loop with a story.

My Role
I facilitated the early ideation and brainstorming session, helping to define the scope of the project, but I wanted to teach myself Pixel Art for this project, so I did the tileset, logo, background, and tree using Aseprite.
As we had two people coding, I decided to help them by writing the script of the game, which helped to provide a sense of "completion" to the project. I used Arc Studio to write the script.