Color City Revolution
GMTK Game Jam 2021 GMTK Game Jam 2021
Team Lead
The GMTK Game Jam is an annual game making marathon, where individuals and teams try to make a game that fits a theme, in just 48 hours.

Color City Revolution
The Theme
Joined Together
The Pitch
A top-down bullet hell shooter where you control two units connected by a chain. Both units are impervious to damage, but the bond is not, and you must protect it.
The Game
Color City Revolution
The Team
BlueFable (Argentina), Sergio B (Colombia), XclaimR (India), mlca (Colombia), Novangard (USA), DietAndy (USA), Pedro Poblete Lasserre (Chile).

Design Process
In the previous Game Jam I worked with close friends, so no need for introductions or team building was necessary. For this game jam, we were all strangers from the Internet, so we carried discussions and meetings prior to the start of the jam.
Once the theme was revealed, we carried out a very similar process than before, exploring what the theme meant, pitching game ideas, and selecting one to work with.
The idea of "protecting the bond", and like before we decided to explore it in mechanics and theme. We came up with a series of mechanics and restrictions that resulted in the idea of controlling two robots with asymetrical gameplay: one shields, one moves. Both robots are connected with a cable and they must survive waves of enemies.
Once we started working, however, disaster struck: one of our developers tested positive for COVID so he had to quit the game jam. We had to reduce the scope of the game and many of the ideas we had were left unfinished. Still, we managed to finish and ended up with a simple yet fun prototype of a bullet hell shooter.

My Role
For this game jam I decided to work as a team lead, rather than to tackle other roles. As before, I facilitated all sessions, but I also worked in managing the communication within the team.
At the end of the game jam, once the project was finished, I facilitated a retrospective session in which we gave each others feedback, discussed a possible future for the game, and celebrated the fact of actually finishing something despite having one of our team members sick.